• Question: what is involved in rocket scienits

    Asked by einstery to Enda, Jean, Kate, Kev, Tim on 18 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Tim Downing

      Tim Downing answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Hi Einstery,

      Rockets scientists study how to use forces like the thrust from the the engine of a rocket or any big vehicle to send them away from the Earth’s surface.

      There’s a few of them over in the Space Zone, wher they might be able to answer your question better!


    • Photo: Jean Bourke

      Jean Bourke answered on 20 Nov 2012:

      There is load and loads involved being a rocket scientist. For one thing loads of different kinds of scientists need to work together.

      Chemists work on the fuel needed, storing it.
      Special heat resistant materials need to be developed.
      The wiring and set up needs to be done by engineers (electrical and computer).
      Physicists need to calculate how much thrust and energy is required.
      Computer scientists need to work on controlling the rocket.

      There’s so much to do! Remember that one scientist can not really do much by themselves: we work together in teams to accomplish things that seem impossible!
