• Question: do you think they would be able to make a rocket to go at the speed of light? so that when the earth becomes under threat from global warmimg ( hopefully that won't happen) but if it does,, would we have discovered a rocket that can go at the speede of light , so it can take us to other planets that may be able to support life?

    Asked by sophieodwyer1012 to Enda, Jean, Kate, Kev, Tim on 18 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Tim Downing

      Tim Downing answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Hi Sophie,

      I think the scientists over the in Space Zone might be able to answer your questions properly. But I don’t think we need to go at the speed of light to travel to other planets, going close enough would still be enough to get us there quickly – it’s a lot easier to go close to the speed of light than that actual speed.
      Fitting everyone on one rocket might be tricky too! 🙂


    • Photo: Jean Bourke

      Jean Bourke answered on 23 Nov 2012:

      Tim’s right, you probably need a physicist. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to travel at or over the speed of light. I kinda like the scifi suggestion of traveling through another dimension (like hyperspace) to get somewhere without passing through the intervening space. It may be just ridiculous, a physicist might be able to offer and opinion, but for now I think I’ll stick with my scifi as the best way to travel!
